On our journey through Macedonia, we found a strong, marble woman in the central park of the city of Prilep. Carving in marble is not an easy job. The sculpture is the work of a strong woman/artist whose heritage we promote, Vera Dajht-Kralj from 1978.
Thank you to the city of Prilep for showing great respect for arts and, through that, for the work of Vera Dajht-Kralj. And thanks to Prilep city museum (https://muzejprilep.org.mk/) for cooperation and communication as we were preparing for the journey.
If we compare Prilep and Zagreb in relation to public art sculptures, we will see that in Prilep art still deserves space and place, while in Zagreb concessions for cafes and their umbrellas are the most important artistic pride of the city. Just compare the place of respect for Vera’s sculpture in Tkalčićeva street of Zagreb and this Vera’s sculpture in the very center of Prilep. Once again, thank you Prilep from the bottom of our hearts – shame on you Zagreb.
Na našem putovanju kroz Makedoniju pronašli smo snažnu, mramornu ženu u centralnom parku grada Prilepa. Klesanje u mramoru nije lagan posao. Skulptura je rad snažne žene/umjetnice čije nasljeđe mi nastavljamo, Vere Dajht-Kralj iz 1978.
Hvala gradu Ptrilepu što je iskazao veliko poštovanje prema umjetnosti i, kroz to, prema radu Vere Dajht-Kralj. Hvala i Muzeju grada Prilepa (https://muzejprilep.org.mk/) s kojim smo komunicirali u pripremama za put.
Ako usporedimo Prilep i Zagreb u odnosu prema javnim umjetničkim skulpturama vidjet ćemo da u Prilepu još uvijek umjetnost zaslužuje prostor i mjesto dok su u Zagrebu koncesije za kafiće i njihovi suncobrani najvažniji umjetnički ponos grada. Usporedite samo prostor poštovanja za Verinu skulpturu u Tkalčićevoj i ovu Verinu skulpturu u samom centru Prilepa.
Još jednom, od srca hvala Prilepu – srami se Zagrebe.