Our community of gong fu tea, ceramics and glass

Here is a peak into the world of tea in our atelier, our tea training sessions in the fall of 2020 with some from the Women to Women collective lead by Ljiljana, Tyhe and Tea from the Wandering Art Tea Academy. The idea is for us to learn about tea, the different kinds coming from the same plant, the health benefits, and how to then share it with others. When better conditions permit, we’ll be going to different towns outside of Zagreb to share our knowledge and love of tea, glass and ceramics that we have been making over this last year. We’re thankful to ceramic artists in the region, Anja Slapnicar Contemporary Ceramics and Ceramic and nature Lidia Boševski, for sharing their knowledge as they guide us to new heights and our glass artist Ivanka (Udruga “Stakleni svijet”) This project is made possible with support from the Institut français de Croatie. Coverage of translation costs come from the support of the Center for Peace Studies (Centar za mirovne studije) through the Bridges project. Thanks to the various photographers. Keep an eye open for the next phases…

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