Ovaj utorak, 5.XII, “Micro- and Macro- Stories of Women Artists of Former Yugoslavia and Balkans” – prisustvujte online simpoziju na kojem ce nasa Ana Kršinić Lozica prezentirati rad na digitalizaciji Verine zbirke nakita. To je kruna nase ovogodisnje suradnje sa Muzeum Susch / Art Stations Foundation CH u kojoj su pomogli nastavku digitalizacije Verine zbirke.Vidimo se on line u Utorak
…………This Tuesday, December 5. “Micro- and Macro- Stories of Women Artists of Former Yugoslavia and Balkans” you can attend on line symposium where our Ana Kršinić Lozica will present the work on digitalization of Vera’s heritage jewelry collection . This is crown of our this year’s cooperation with Muzeum Susch / Art Stations Foundation CH helping us with work on Vera’s collection.See you on line on Tuesday.
From the program:
Lecture: Ana Kršinić-Lozica
“Reality has more than one dimension”: Establishing an artist’s archive.
The paper will deal with the legacy of Vera Dajht-Kralj, the sculptress (1928 – 2014) who spent her professional life in Zagreb but who also extensively exhibited her works and made monument proposals through socialist Yugoslavia and Europe (on several occasions also in Africa and South America). Her authentic approach to the artistic metier and the human, predominantly female, figure set her apart from dominant tendencies in art during the mid and second half of the 20th century. The unique position of her work that didn’t belong to traditional figurative expression, nor to the neo-avantgarde circles of her male colleagues that were prominent in the Croatian art scene between the 1950s and 1970s, made her absent from contemporary art history discourse. She worked with different materials, such as clay, wood, various metals, stones, and glass, experimenting, among others, with the technique of galvanoplastic that she reinvented to fit her own needs. Her work is spread across multiple areas – from monuments and chamber sculpture to artistic jewellery, souvenirs, drawings and even poems. Today, her atelier is preserved, and her oeuvre is kept in the private collection governed by the NGO Living atelier DK, primarily aiming to introduce the artist’s legacy to the broader public. The paper will elaborate on the long-term process of establishing a non-institutional archive, with all the challenges related to the preservation and restoration of various materials, adequate storage of artworks, setting up a digital database and revalorising and increasing visibility of the artist’s oeuvre.