Vidimo se na otvorenju …….See you at the opening KVARTOVSKI OBJEKTIV“Posjet Johna Cagea Črnomercu, 1985.”Živi atelje DK (Ilica 110, Zagreb) 6. – 30. 11. 2023.Ured […]
Site specific event: selma banich u suradnji sa Sarom Salamon i kolektivom Žene ženama “Zadnji događaj u okviru ovogodišnjeg izdanja UNSEENA donosi site specific event […]
Nature, forest, fire dancing, live music, jewelry making, archery, ceramics, textiles, crocheting, candles, forest café, paintings, cooking, sticker exhibitions, celebrations… a weekend of art and […]
Živi Atelje DK (Zagreb) and our partner Udruga Revolution from Valpovo with the support of Udruga Zvono are organizing several activities in Belišće bringing people […]
Živi Atelje DK (Zagreb) and our partner Lokalna akcijska grupa Una (LAG Una) are organizing several activities through the weekend bringing people together around ceramics, […]
Živi Atelje DK (Zagreb) i njihove partnerske organizacije uz Galerija Striegl (Sisak) organiziraju cijeli vikend aktivnosti u Sisku okupljajući ljude oko keramike, stakla, gong fu […]