Horizontal participation

We peel onions searching for the essence…. (please excuse our culinary image–we often cook together in the Atelier–but imagine the process of communal joy with all the tears!) 

It is an allegory for our work on transparency – unwrapping the context. We set the stage for individual choices to be formulated. It is not about simplifying but about being more thorough; more transparent to be more inclusive; constantly aware of the power relations at play. We try to explain, unpack and reveal the inner workings. 

It implies mindset and actions that are process-oriented, not goal-oriented. 

We encourage a horizontal participatory approach where we, the members, are part of the brainstorming, planning, decision-making, organizing and implementation. 

In this approach the process of including diverse voices takes precedence over expediency. It simply takes time to do translations and interpretations, to connect to people one-on-one and in small groups. 

The horizontal participatory approach is a form of care balance and a method in encouragement of mutual accompaniment throughout all of our activities.