About Mosaic

We are writing this mosaic of reflections as a collaborative creative process of diverse intertwining voices, individual and collective destinies, woven together on a weft of art in our space at Živi Atelje Dajht-Kralj. This is a living tapestry of stories, bits and pieces of us, a collage of memories, lists, echoes of emotions in all colors, the fruit of years of our labor of love.

We say collaborative, as we create together our visions, our community. The togetherness amplifies the voices from within each of us, reflected in our stance, body language, in our art and in everyday life. Patterns of sharing, of learning, discovering and healing are sometimes made of tears, silences, or laughter, continuous long or short embraces, and any other expression of care, all threaded by love.

All aspects of this Mosaic have a role to play in this ever-evolving vision of ours – to impact and change the world, starting with ourselves, with and through our community, through art and exploration of large themes, worlds onto themselves, shaping us in different ways: identity, belonging, otherness, love, healing, solidarity, environment, memory, engagement, storytelling, transformation… All these concepts are a reflection of our vision, of dreams born, transformed from much suffering, trauma, strength and resilience inherited and lived through. 

You can use this Mosaic as a manual, the kind you pick up when you need to see how something functions, the thought process behind certain steps, or to avoid stepping into quick sands; or a map when you want to see part of the path. We made it less formulaic, more accessible, playful. And yet, we are also sharing aspects of our work that are less enjoyable but necessary. 

So here we are, sharing with you dear reader, dear co-traveller, seeker – whoever you are – to spur an exchange and change – change for a world with more love, care, gentleness, acceptance and embrace, justice and transformative justice, solidarity and understanding, mutual accompaniment, diversity, respect and equity. 

Of course, you can shrug or smile in dismissal. Some can stick a label of naivete on our baby steps towards the change in and around us but, no worries, we will not feel hurt. Those steps continue to grow and have transformed into a real walk, a handshake, a swim stroke, a smile or a hug. It is our practice, a daily practice, an artistic practice. It takes time, effort, courage and perseverance. You take what you wish from it. That’s how you help it grow.